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Gary Chang's home page

I'm an entomologist and ecologist in the Biology Department at Gonzaga University. In recent semesters, I've taught Entomology, Animal Behavior, Ecology, Case Studies in Environmental Science, Population Ecology, and various seminars (most recently, Ecological Recovery during Spring 2022).

Summer 2011Summer 2010

My research focuses on the factors that influence the effectiveness of biological control insects. If you'd like to see a list of my publications, with a few available as pdfs, visit 
my Mendeley profile; a similar list is on my Google Scholar profileSince 2009, my students and I have been studying a weevil that was imported into the U.S. to help control a weed called Dalmatian toadflax. A poster that my students and I presented at a recent meeting is at <>. Photos above & below are from when we did field work at various sites; currently, we conduct our field work on campus. To see the insects that we study, visit <>

Summer 2013Summer 2012

Update coming soon!