Dr. Shannon Overbay

MATH 260: Ordinary Differential Equations

Math 260
Ordinary Differential Equations
Course Syllabus
Fall 2018

Instructor: Dr. Shannon Overbay

Email: overbay@gonzaga.edu

Course Meeting Times & Location: Section 01: 10:00 - 10:50 p.m. MWF Herak 257

Office: Herak 227A

Office Phone: (509) 313-3901

Open Office Hours:
M 1-2 (Math Lab, Herak 224),
W, F 11-12 (Herak 227A),
W 2-3 (Herak 227A)

Required Textbook: Differential Equations, Polking, Boggess, & Arnold, 2nd Edition. Hardcover version: ISBN 978-0131437388, paperback \Classic version:" ISBN 978-0134689586.

Course Description: MATH 260 Ordinary Differential Equations. 3.00 credits. Solution methods for first order equations and for second and higher order linear equations. Includes series methods and solution of linear systems of differential equations. Prerequisite: MATH 259, Minimum Grade: D.

Grading System:
Assignment Date Points
Exam I: Mon. Sep. 24 100
Exam II: Mon. Oct. 15 100
Exam III: Fri. Nov. 9 100
Exam IV: Wed. Dec. 5 100
Final Exam: Tues. Dec. 11, 1:00-3:00 200
WeBWorK: As assigned  60
Lab Assignments: As assigned  40
Grade Distribution:
Letter Grade Points Percentage
A: 630-700 90%-100%
B: 560-629 80%-89.9%
C: 490-559 70%-79.9%
D: 420-489 60%-69.9%
F: <420 <60%
Plus and minus grades will be issued at my discretion.

Exams: There will be 4 in-class exams worth 100 points each, plus a cumulative final exam worth 200 points. Exams will be closed book, closed notes.

Calculator policy: A basic scientific calculator is permitted on exams. NO graphing calculators, phones, or devices with Wi-Fi capability will be permitted on exams.

Makeup Exams: Exams must be taken on the days and times announced in this syllabus. Do not make travel plans on these days (make sure your parents know this too, if they will be making travel plans for you). If you are unable to take an exam at the scheduled time due to a conflict with a university-sponsored obligation or circumstances beyond your control (e.g. hospitalization), please let me know as soon as possible, and provide documentation of your situation. In these situations, I will make arrangements for you to receive a make-up exam, which may be different than the exam taken by your classmates. If you miss an exam for any reason and do not contact me as soon as possible, you will receive a score of 0.

WeBWorK: You will have 13 online homework sets through WeBWorK, due most Fridays with a couple of exceptions (see the schedule). Problem sets will be opened several days before they are due, and will close at 11:59 pm on the due date. You will have unlimited tries on WeBWorK problems. WeBWorK will keep track of your progress and scores automatically, and you do not need to submit anything. At the end of the class, your total score will be scaled to be out of 60 points. Your WeBWorK login credentials are set to be your usual GU username and password. Please make sure you can log in, and let me know right away if you have difficulty. https://webwork.gonzaga.edu/webwork2/2018-fa-math-260-01/

Labs: You will have 4 Lab Assignments throughout the semester (see the schedule), worth 10 points each, which will involve the use of computing technology. Some assignments will require the Java programs d field and pplane, available on Blackboard or from the link http://math.rice.edu/~dfield/dfpp.html. Just save the files d field.jar and pplane.jar to your computer, and you should be able to double-click to run them if you have the current Java Runtime Environment. Lab Assignments will be handed out in class several days before they are due, and may be turned in up to 4 p.m. on the due date.

Recommended Homework Problems: In addition to WeBWorK assignments (which are graded and required), I will provide a list of recommended textbook problems to practice, available on Blackboard. These will not be collected or graded, but I may select problems from these sets to use as exam problems. You will be expected to know how to do these problems, and most people taking MATH 260 will nd it necessary to work through the majority of these problems in order to succeed in this class. 

Office Hours and Getting Help: See the top of this syllabus for my regularly scheduled office hours. These are the times I am  scheduled to be available to answer your questions and offer assistance. If these office hours do not work for you due to your schedule, email me to make an appointment. You may also stop by my office outside of my regularly scheduled office hours, but I may be out or too busy to provide immediate help. Another great resource is the Math Lab (Herak 224), which is staffed by both math faculty and selected students, offering free math help for all GU students. Tutoring schedule: https://www.gonzaga.edu/college-of-arts-sciences/departments/mathematics/resources/tutoring
Late Homework: In general, no late Lab Assignments will be accepted. Lab Assignments turned in after the due date will receive 0 points, except in cases of documented emergencies or severe illness (I may ask for evidence). If you know you will be out of town on the day an assignment is due, please make arrangements to turn it in early or have a friend turn it in for you. For WeBWorK assignments, you will be locked out of the assignment after 11:59 p.m. the night it is due, and will no longer be able to submit answers for credit. Extensions may be granted in exceptional circumstances (e.g. emergencies, with proper documentation).

Extra Credit, Curves, and Grade Bumps: While I may occasionally include a "bonus question" worth a small number of points on an exam or assignment, in general there will be NO extra credit available to anyone, and no one may redo an exam or other assignment for more credit. Homework and exams by default WILL NOT be curved. I make decisions about any curves or other adjustments very carefully, based on the circumstances. Don't beg me for a "grade bump" at the end of the semester if you are a few points away from the next-highest letter grade. I will consider all borderline cases carefully, and in the end the grade you receive from me is non-negotiable. I can't give out higher grades just because you need to maintain a certain GPA or graduate on time. For some helpful advice on why it is a bad idea to beg your math professors for extra credit or other special treatment, check out the following two links. https://www.math.uh.edu/~tomforde/NoExtraCredit.html https://www.math.uh.edu/~tomforde/GradeGrubbing.html
The following schedule is tentative.
Material covered each day is approximate and may vary from this schedule.
Changes to assignment due dates or exam dates will be announced.

WEEK 1 - August 27 - August 31
Monday: NO CLASS
Wednesday: First Day of Class: Selected Topics from 1.1/2.1
Friday: Section 2.1: Differential Equations and Solutions

WEEK 2 - September 3 - September 7
Wednesday: Section 2.2: Solutions to Separable Equations
Friday: Section 2.4: Linear Equations | WeBWorK 1 Due: 2.1, 2.2

WEEK 3 - September 10 - September 14
Monday: Section 6.1: Euler's Method | Hand out Lab Assignment 1
Wednesday: Section 2.9: Autonomous Equations and Stability
Friday: Section 2.9 / 4.1: Autonomous Equations and Stability, Definitions and Examples | WeBWorK 2 Due: 2.4, 6.1, 2.9

WEEK 4 - September 17 - September 21
Monday: Section 4.1: Definitions and Examples (of 2nd order ODEs)
Wednesday: Section 4.3: Linear Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients
Friday: Section 4.3: Linear Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients | Lab Assignment 1 Due | WeBWorK 3 Due: 4.1, 4.3

WEEK 5 - September 24 - September 28
Monday: EXAM I
Wednesday: Section 4.4: Harmonic Motion
Friday: Section 4.4 / 4.5: Harmonic Motion / Method of Undetermined Coefficients | WeBWorK 4 Due: 4.4

WEEK 6 - October 1 - October 5
Monday: Section 4.5: Method of Undetermined Coefficients
Wednesday: Section 4.7: Forced Harmonic Motion | Hand out Lab Assignment 2
Friday: Section 4.7: Forced Harmonic Motion | WeBWorK 5 Due: 4.5, 4.7

WEEK 7 - October 8 - October 12
Monday: Section 11.1: Review of Power Series
Wednesday: Section 11.2: Series Solutions Near Ordinary Points
Friday: Section 11.2: Series Solutions Near Ordinary Points | Lab Assignment 2 Due | WeBWorK 6 Due: 11.1, 11.2

WEEK 8 - October 15 - October 19
Monday: EXAM II
Wednesday: Section 5.1: Definition of the Laplace Transform
Friday: Sections 5.1 / 5.2: Definition of the Laplace Transform / Properties of the Laplace Transform | WeBWorK 7 Due: 5.1

WEEK 9 - October 22 - October 26
Wednesday: Section 5.3: The Inverse Laplace Transform
Friday: Section 5.4: Using the Laplace Transform to Solve Differential Equations | WeBWorK 8 Due: 5.2, 5.3, 5.4

WEEK 10 - October 29 - November 2
Monday: Section 5.5: Discontinuous Forcing Terms
Wednesday: Section 5.6: The Delta Function | Hand out Lab Assignment 3
Friday: Section 5.7: Convolutions | WeBWorK 9 Due: 5.5, 5.6

WEEK 11 - November 5 - November 9
Monday: Section 8.1 / 8.2: Definitions and Examples / Geometric Interpretation of Solutions
Wednesday: Sections 8.2 / 8.3: Geometric Interpretation of Solutions / Qualitative Analysis | Lab Assignment 3 Due
Thursday: WeBWorK 10 Due: 5.7, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3
Friday: EXAM III

WEEK 12 - November 12 - November 16
Monday: Section 7.1: Vectors and Matrices
Wednesday: Section 7.5 / 7.6 / 7.7: Selected Linear Algebra Topics
Friday: Sections 8.4 / 8.5: Linear Systems / Properties of Linear Systems | WeBWorK 11 Due: Linear Algebra, 8.4, 8.5

WEEK 13 - November 19 - November 23
Monday: Section 9.1: Overview of the Technique (For solving linear ODE systems)

WEEK 14 - November 26 - November 30
Monday: Section 9.2: Planar Systems
Wednesday: Section 9.2: Planar Systems
Friday: Section 9.3: Phase plane portraits | Hand out Lab Assignment 4 | WeBWorK 12 Due: 9.1, 9.2

WEEK 15 - December 3 - December 7
Monday: Section 9.4: The T-D Plane
Tuesday: WeBWorK 13 Due: 9.3, 9.4
Wednesday: Exam IV
Friday: Review | Lab Assignment 4 Due

WEEK 16 - December 10 - December 14
Tuesday: FINAL EXAM: December 11, 2018, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Some Language from the College of Arts and Sciences:
A Note on Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct: Consistent with its mission, Gonzaga seeks to assure all community members learn and work in a welcoming and inclusive environment. Title
VII, Title IX and Gonzaga's policy prohibit gender-based harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct.
Gonzaga encourages anyone experiencing gender-based harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct to
talk to someone from the Campus and Local Resources list found on Gonzaga's Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy:
It may be helpful to talk about what happened in order to get the support needed and for Gonzaga to respond
appropriately. There are options for support and resolution, namely con dential support resources, and
campus reporting and support options available. Gonzaga will respond to all reports of sexual misconduct in
order to stop the harassment, discrimination, or misconduct, prevent its re-occurrence and address its effects.
Responses may vary from support service referrals to formal investigations.
As a faculty member, I want get you connected to the resources here on campus specially trained in and
experienced in assisting in such complaints, and therefore I will report all incidents of gender-based
harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct to Title IX. A representative from that office will
reach out to you via phone and/or email to explore options for support, safety measures and reporting. I will
provide our Title IX Director with all relevant details, including names and identifying information, of the
information reported. For more information about policies and resources or reporting options, please visit
the following websites: https://www.gonzaga.edu/about/offices-services/human-resources/equity-
inclusion, https://www.gonzaga.edu/about/offices-services/human-resources/equity-inclusion/
title-ix. If you would like to directly make a report of harassment, discrimination or sexual misconduct
directly, you may contact the Title IX Director by phone, email or in person by contacting: Stephanie N.
Whaley, Title IX Director, 509-313-6910, whaleys@gonzaga.edu, Business Services Building 018, or by fi lling
out an online form: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?GonzagaUniv&layout_id=3
Notice to Students with Disabilities/Medical Conditions: The Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for per-
sons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be
guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you
believe you have a disability/medical condition requiring an accommodation, please call or visit the Disability Access Office: https://www.gonzaga.edu/academics/academic-calendar-resources/center-for-
student-academic-success/disability-access-resources (room 209 Foley Library).
Class Attendance: I follow strictly the university's standard policy on absences: the maximum allowable
absence is two class hours (100 minutes) for each class credit. For a three-credit class meeting three times
a week, the maximum number of absences allowed is six. For a three-credit class meeting twice a week,
the maximum number of absences allowed is four. The grade for excessive absences is "V", which has the
same effect as "F" (Fail) and is counted in the GPA. (See also "Class Attendance Policy" on page 73 of the
University's online catalogue: https://archive.gonzaga.edu/catalogues/)
Academic Honesty: Academic honesty is expected of all Gonzaga University students. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, and theft. Any student found guilty of academic
dishonesty is subject to disciplinary action, which may include, but is not limited to, (1) a failing grade
for the test or assignment in question, (2) a failing grade for the course, or (3) a recommendation for dis-
missal from the University. (See also "Academic Honesty" on page 72 of the University's online catalogue:
https://archive.gonzaga.edu/catalogues/ )
Course Evaluation: At Gonzaga, we take teaching seriously, and we ask our students to evaluate their
courses and instructors so that we can provide the best possible learning experience. In that spirit, we
ask students to give us feedback on their classroom experience near the end of the semester. I will ask
you to take a few minutes then to carry out course/instructor evaluation. Please know that I appreciate
your participation in this process. This is a vital part of our efforts at Gonzaga to improve continually our
teaching, our academic programs, and our entire educational effort.

Math 260
Ordinary Differential Equations
Recommended Practice Problems
Fall 2018
Section and problem numbers refer to Di erential Equations by Polking, Boggess, and Arnold, 2nd edition. Problem ranges
refer to odd-numbered problems only (so you can check your answers), unless otherwise speci ed. Completion of these
problems is strongly recommended but not explicitly required. You are responsible for knowing how to do all of these problems.
Exam problems may be selected based on this list.
Chapter 2: First-Order Equations
2.1 Differential Equations and Solutions 3, 6, 7, 11*, 13*, 15*, 17, 21, 35
2.2 Separable Equations 1-7, 11, 13*, 17*, 21*, 23, 27, 33
2.4 Linear Equations 1-7, 13, 14, 15, 17
2.9 Autonomous Equations and Stability 1-9, 15-21, 23
Chapter 6: Numerical Methods
6.1 Euler's Method 3-9
Chapter 4: Second-Order Equations
4.1 Definitions and Examples 1-7, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23
4.3 Linear, Homogeneous Equations. with Constant Coefficients. 1, 5, 11, 13, 17, 19, 25, 27, 29, 35
4.4 Harmonic Motion 11, 12, 20, 22, 24, (plus section 4.1: 9, 10)
4.5 Inhomogeneous Equations: Undetermined Coefficients 1, 5, 15, 19-31
4.7 Forced Harmonic Motion 9, 10, 17, 19, (plus section 4.1: 11, 12)
Chapter 11: Series Solutions to Differential Equations
11.1 Review of Power Series 19-24 (all), 33
11.2 Series Solutions Near Ordinary Points 4, 5, 15y, 16y, 19y, 21
Chapter 5: The Laplace Transform
5.1 The Defi nition of the Laplace Transform 1-5, 12, 25, 27
5.2 Basic properties of the Laplace Transform 9, 21, 25, 27, 31, 35
5.3 The Inverse Laplace Transform 1-5, 7, 11, 13, 23, 25, 27
5.4 Using the Laplace Transform to Solve Differential Equations 9, 13, 17, 19, 23, 32
5.5 Discontinuous Forcing Terms 1-7, 11-15, 17-29
5.6 The Delta Function 3-7, 11
5.7 Convolutions 11, 13, 17, 27, 29
Chapter 7: Linear Algebra
7.1 Vectors and Matrices 5, 17, 21, 25, 26, 27, 33, 49, 51
7.5 Bases of a Subspace 1 3, 17, 18
7.6 Square Matrices 2, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31
7.7 Determinants 23**, 25**
Chapter 8: An Introduction to Systems
8.1 De nitions and Examples 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24
8.2 Geometric Interpretation of Solutions 4, 10, 13, 15, 17(i)(ii), 19(i)(ii), 21, 26
8.3 Qualitative Analysis 1-5, 11
8.4 Linear Systems 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21
8.5 Properties of Linear Systems 1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 15
Chapter 9: Linear Systems with Constant Coefficients
9.1 Overview of the Technique 1, 3, 17-23
9.2 Planar Systems 3, 9, 13, 17, 23, 31, 37, 41, 45
9.3 Phase Plane Portraits 1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 19, 21, 23
9.4 The Trace-Determinant Plane 1-13, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
*You can skip the "interval of existence" part.
y Just find partial sums for the solutions; don't find an expression for the entire series. Can also skip the "radius of convergence" part.
Note the problem set does not include any initial value problems, but this is easy to handle using a0 = y(0) and a1 = y'(0).
**You can skip the parts about nullspaces.