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John H. Beck is the Director of the BA program in Economics at Gonzaga University and advisor to the Gonzaga chapter of Omicron Delta Epsilon, the National Honor Society in Economics. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from Michigan State University in 1976 and joined the Gonzaga faculty in 1988. Professor Beck is a member of the American Economic Association and the Public Choice Society and an academic advisor to the Heartland Institute(, an organization concerned with state and local public policy.
Selected publications:
Beck, John H. "The Pelagian Controvesy: An Economic Analysis," American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 66 (October 2007): 681-696.
Beck, John H. "Distributive Justice and the Rules of the Corporation: Partial versus General Equilibrium Analysis," Business Ethics Quarterly, 15 (July 2005): 355-362.
Beck, John H.; Carl S. Bozman; and Daniel L. Friesner. "Sales Taxes, Information and Public Opinion in Washington," Northwest Journal of Business and Economics, (2004): 1-18.
Beck, John H., and Randall Bennett. "Taxation, License Fees and New Car Registrations," Public Finance Review, 31 (September 2003): 487-509.