Dr. Noel Bormann
CENG 434 Stormwater Management
CENG 434 Stormwater Management Fall
Course Description:
This course provides an opportunity for students to use a combination of several topics you have studied previously in the solution of problems that are growing in prominence. The successful solution to stormwater management problems involves, at a minimum, hydrology, hydraulics, engineering economics, environmental engineering dealing with water quality and treatment, environmental law and public policy. Whew! For these problems then, it is important that our engineers be able to interact with a variety of professionals in addition to laymen. These are our aspirations, how do we approach them?
This course will require students to work in groups to complete the homework and projects. However, this additional flexibility will impose responsibilities upon the students: you must contribute to your group, you must help you colleagues understand the material in group assignments, and you will want to learn the material yourself so you can excel on the individual tests. We are using a professional reference as a textbook in this class, Stormwater Management, Debo and Reese. I will also place two other references on reserve at the library, both of these books will be useful in your studies: Design and Construction of Urban Stormwater Systems published jointly by ASCE and WPCF (1992) provides a "state of the practice" in stormwater engineering, and a more conventional textbook to supplement the theoretical underpinnings to our studies, Stormwater Management by Wanielista and Yousef (1993). In addition to these books, our library has many books and technical journals in the holdings, which can be utilized by "the interested student". Also, I have collected numerous books and publications that I can make available for projects and supplementary reading.
Finally, and not in the least, I hope you will use Internet resources in projects and homework. I have many URLs dealing with stormwater in the links section of the course web page and we will add to this list over the semester.
Course Administration:
The graded course work will consist of lecture participation, homework, projects, 3 mid-term exams and the final exam. At the beginning of each class the reading assignment to be completed for the next meeting and the homework assignment will be given. The homework problems will be due at the beginning of the 2nd subsequent class meeting. Homework not turned in at the beginning of class on the day due will not be graded. Homework must be completed in a specific format, with neat hand lettering with the answer boxed and units shown. Notebooks will be kept as a part of the course and graded.
Student's grades will be established using the following weight factors:
Homework , Class Participation and Notebooks...15%
Projects.......................................20% total
Mid-term Exams.................................15% each
Comprehensive Final Exam.......................20%
I will hand out a list of course objectives for each of the tests at least 1 week before the test. The objectives will be very important in establishing what topics you should master prior to test time.
One final item -- cheating. Don't do it. If you are caught cheating in my course you will flunk. Please read and follow the University's Academic Honesty Policy. Because some of the work will be accomplished in teams, if you have any question about what would constitute cheating, please ask. As a guide, if your name appears on the work you are affirming you did the work (or shared equitably in it's completion), and did not use any unfair methods in doing the work. This issue is one of respect and integrity.