Dr. Noel Bormann
ENSC 352 Fluid Mechanics
ENSC-352 Fluid Mechanics Fall
Course Description:
In this course we will develop and apply physical and mathematical principles to the analysis of fluid behavior. Topics will include: properties of fluids, forces caused by fluids at rest, conservation of mass, conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, effects of viscosity, boundary layers and some effects of compressibility.
All these topics are governed by a mere 4 equations: Newton's Second Law, The Ideal Gas Law, Conservation of Mass, and Conservation of Energy. You should try to get a "feel" for what the various equations we use mean, really. Fluid Mechanics is a field rich in examples of applied mathematics and you will get to use some of the math you have so painfully learned in the past 2 years.
Course Administration:
The course will consist of lectures and in class exercises, 3 mid-term exams and the final exam. The text is Brief Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Young, Munson, and Okishi.
At the beginning of each class the reading assignment to be completed for the next meeting and the homework assignment will be given. The homework problems will be due at the beginning of the 2nd subsequent class meeting. Homework not turned in at the beginning of class on the day due will not be graded.
Homework must be completed in a specific format, with neat hand lettering with the answer boxed and units shown. Notebooks should contain all your notes , handouts, tests, and homework. The course grade will be established using the following weight factors:
Homework, Notebooks and Class Exercises.............15% Mid-term Exams........................................20% each Comprehensive Final Exam......................25%
To get the maximum benefit from the class you must read assigned material before the lecture dealing with that topic and take responsibility for your learning. It will be much easier if you keep current in the class. Do not wait until the night before an exam to read the book, study the notes and review the homework! In this course we will use some methods of "cooperative learning"; students will be encouraged to work together in homework, and in studying for the class. This will require student involvement and responsibility to your colleagues.
I will hand out a list of specific objectives for each of the 4 tests at least 1 week before that test. Those objectives will be very important in establishing what topics you should master prior to test time.
One final item -- cheating. Don't do it. If you are caught cheating in my course you will flunk. Please read and follow the University's Academic Honesty Policy. Because some of the work will be accomplished in teams, if you have any question about what would constitute cheating, please ask. As a guide, if your name appears on the work you are affirming you did the work (or shared equitably in it's completion), and that you did not use any unfair methods in doing the work. This issue is one of respect and integrity.