Jonas Cox

Current Research

Currently I enjoy working in three areas of research:

Environmental education including how and why it is an effective means education.

I work collaboratively with the Pacific Education Institute on Environmental education.  Together with them I have published two articles, a white paper used as the basis for the field investigation model adopted by the state of Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and a pending book on how to implement environmental education in the school.  Several of my students have successfully applied for grants with PEI for research and presentation to the field.


The impact teacher perceptions of knowledge have on educational reform adoption.

Studying view of knowledge and its effects on reform adoption has long been an interest of mine but I have found it hard to gain a foot hold in the academic world.  The idea represents a relatively new way of thinking in the field.   A pilot study and several unsuccessful grant applications later this area is still an interest not yet developed.


Alternative educational models.  

The effectiveness of alternative education models has led me to work with two outstanding colleagues from the Department of Educational Leadership and Administration, Chuck Salina and Suzanne Girtz.  Together we have done several presentations and published a paper on the success of Sunnyside High school’s alternative education model.