

Publications - Books

Girtz, S. (2013). Educating millennials born between 1980 and 1994:

The chief problems in teaching this age group. Ltd: Wales, U.K: Edwin Mellen Press.


Publications – Submitted

Girtz, S., Salina, C., & Cox, J. (2012). Improving student performance by increasing relational trust at Sunnyside High School. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk.


Publications – Refereed, Recent

Shepard, J., Salina, C., Girtz, S., Cox, J., Davenport, N., & Hillard, T.L. (2012). Student success: Stories that inform high school change. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 21(2), 48-53.


Girtz, S., Salina, C., Cox, J., & Johnson, C. (Spring, 2011).  Turnaround principals and partnerships across secondary and higher education to support students.  Curriculum in Context, 37(1), 16-18.


Cox, J. A., Salina, C. V., Girtz, S. (2010) Why don’t we teach in a whole new way?  Washington Science Teachers Journal, 51(3), 29-33.


Salina, C., Cox, J., & Girtz, S. (Spring, 2009). Separate but equal? Integrating an alternative school into the comprehensive high school. Leadership Information, 8(2), 40-49.


Girtz, S. (Spring, 2009). Educational change through the lens of complexity science:  Changing thinking for changed learners.  Northwest Passage: Journal of Educational Practices, 7(1).  Also printed in online version


Professional Papers Presented

Girtz, S., Cox, J., Salina, C., Hellner-Gomez, H., Maxwell, R., & Martinez, D., (2012, October). Supporting learners through the development of systems and the use of systems. Paper presented at Annual Washington State Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Washington State Association of Superintendent Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.


Hellner-Gomez, H., Salina, C., & Girtz, S., (2012, October). Supportive transitions to the TPEP model.  Paper presented at Annual Washington State Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Washington State Association of Superintendent Annual Conference. Seattle, WA.


Girtz, S., Salina, C., & Cox, J. (2012, January). Advance piloting the new teacher performance assessment (TPA) for preservice teacher candidates. International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.


Salina, C., Girtz, S., & Cox, J. (2012, January). Turn-around principalships. International Conference on Education. Honolulu, HI.


Cox, J., Salina, C., & Girtz, S. (2012, January). Building meaningful relationships between higher education faculty. International conference on education. Honolulu, HI.


Girtz, S. (2011, April). Piloting the teacher performance assessment. Paper presented at the Eighth Annual PESB/Preparation Forum. Spokane, WA.


Girtz, S. (2011, April). Piloting the NCATE continuous improvement option. 8th Annual PESB/Preparation Forum. Spokane, WA.


Girtz, S., Salina, C., Shepard, J., Cox, J., Johnson, C., & Davenport, N. (2011, February). Relational trusts – what’s missing in educational reform? 7th International Globalization, Diversity, & Education Conference. Spokane, WA.


Girtz, S., Salina, C., & Cox, J. (2010, June).  Integrating an alternative school into the comprehensive high school. Association of Washington School Principals’ Spring Conference.


Girtz, S., Davenport, N., Salina, C., Cox, J., & Shepard, J.  (2010, April). Lessons from student success stories that inform high school change. Paper presented at the Northwest Association of Teacher Educator’s Conference.  Ellensburg, WA.


Girtz, S. (2010, March). Complexity, change, and the emerging future of leadership. Paper presented at the 4th Annual Seattle University & Gonzaga University leadership conference.  Spokane, WA.


Salina, C., Girtz, S., & Cox, J. (2009, October). An educational continuum for at-risk students.  Paper presented at Annual Washington State Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.  Seattle, WA.


Cox, J., Girtz, S., & Salina, C. (2009, June). Building teacher leadership capacity. Paper presented Washington Association of School Administrators/AWSP June Conference. Spokane, WA.


Cox, J., Girtz, S., & Salina, C. (2009, January). Building teacher leadership capacity. Paper presented at 16 annual Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction January Conference. Seattle, WA.


Salina, C., Cox, J., & Girtz, S. (2009, January). Integrating an alternative school into the comprehensive high school. Paper presented at 16 annual Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction January Conference. Seattle, WA.


Girtz, S., & Salina, C. (2008, January). Regional professional development centers – math. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction January Conference, Spokane, WA.


Salina, C., Cox, J., & Girtz, S. (2008, November). Reinventing teachers and schools through purposeful, reflective, humanistic supervision. Paper presented at the Annual Washington State Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference, Spokane, WA.


Salina, C., Girtz, S., & Cox, J. (2008, October).  Integrating the alternative school into the comprehensive high school. White paper presented to the Sunnyside School District School Board.


Non-Refereed Presentations

Girtz, S. (2013, April - pending). Invited contribution - What is the role and responsibility of educator preparation programs to foster and sustain effectiveness?  Critical question series, Curriculum in Context, Washington State ASCD,


Girtz, S. (2013).  What is the role and responsibility of educator preparation programs to foster and sustain effectiveness?  ASCDEdge.


Girtz, S. (2012). Invited presentation - assessment FOR learning.  Gonzaga Preparatory, Spokane, WA.


Girtz, S. & Gbenro, H. (2011).  Invited presentation – emerging leaders, lessons learned. ASCD-Washington Affiliate, Board of Directors meeting.

Girtz, S. (2009, November). Designated respondent:  Jesuit education and the problem of outcomes assessment:  Can Christ be a 'metric' or the liberal arts a 'rubric'? Socratic Club. Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA.

Carper, A., Traynor, J., & Girtz, S. (2009, April). Standards-based assessment:  The exchange of information between secondary education, pre-service teachers, and higher education.  Paper presented at the OSPI/Higher Education Assessment Conference, Seattle, WA.

Girtz, S. (2008, November).  Faculty talk: Grants in education and leadership. Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA.

Duncan, A., McIntyre, K., & Girtz, S. (2007, October).  A balanced and interconnected math program.  Northwest Mathematics Conference, Bellevue, WA.

Girtz, S. (2007, October). Embracing assessment as learning for adult learners of mathematics. Northwest Mathematics Conference, Bellevue, WA.

Girtz, S., & Naughton, N. (2007, August). Testing:  The use of assessment for and as learning. Greater Victoria Literacy Institute, Victoria, BC, CAN.

Research Interests or Specialties

Complexity Science and Education

Technology and the Millennials


Program Evaluation


Funded Grants, Contracts, and Research

Girtz, S. & Cox, J. (2013). Sunnyside high school initiative impact inquiry. Sunnyside School District. (funded consulting)

Girtz, S., Cox, J., & Salina, C. (2010-2012). Sunnyside SIG program and grant evaluation.  Sunnyside School District. (funded consulting)

Girtz, S. (2010, December). Washington teacher performance assessment. Stuart Foundation via University of Washington. $5000 (funded)


Conners, D. A., Cox, J. A., Girtz, S., Poutinatine, M., & Salina, C. V. (2007, May). Gonzaga University regional professional development centers: Creating powerful and equitable learning. Washington State Higher Education Coordinating Board, $237,455 (funded).



SuperProfessor.  Peer-reviewed Faculty Row founder/director Jeff Finder – 2013.


ASCD Emerging Leader Award – Class of 2011-12.



Other Projects or Products

Girtz, S., & Cox, J. (2011, Summer). Summary evaluation report, school improvement grant, Sunnyside high school – year one.

Girtz, S., & Cox, J. (2011, Spring). Formative qualitative report – SIG Sunnyside high school.

Sunderland, J., Girtz, S., & Bradshaw, C. (2011). Assessment manual.

2010 to 2012:  Grant Evaluation

School Improvement Grant, Sunnyside School District, Sunnyside, WA.