Interpersonal Communication: Competency Through Critical Thinking. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1994. (Co-authored by John Caputo and Colleen McMahon.)
Public Speaking Handbook: A Liberal Arts Perspective. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt, 1994. (Co-authored by John Caputo.)
The Power of Persuasion. Kansas City: Sheed and Ward, 1989.
The Art of Talking to Yourself and Others. Kansas City: Sheed and Ward, 1987.
Various Published Articles
“Power and Constraint in the Rhetoric of Catherine of Siena” in Journal of the Northwest Communication Association, Spring, 1991.
“Savonarola: The Disputatious Preacher” in Journal of the Northwest Communication Association, Spring 1987.
“Blending Speech, English and Logic” in The Communicator, Spring, 1981. (Co-authored by Michael Herzog.)
“Images of War, Guilt and Redemption in the First Crusade Speech of Urban II” in Communication Quarterly, Winter, 1978.
“Group Problem Solving and the Historical Example” in Communication Education, January, 1976.
“Harry Truman: Practical Persuader” in Today’s Speech, Spring, 1974.
“The Bonaventuran ‘Ars Concionandi’” in Western Speech, Fall, 1972.
The same article was reprinted in a five-volume set published in Rome (1974) commemorating St. Bonaventure.