

Henrickson, Kevin E. and Wesley W. Wilson. 2014. “Prices and Costs in Transportation: A Case Study of Railroad Pricing of Corn Shipments Under Partial Deregulation and Competitive Alternatives.”  The Business of Transportation, edited by Darren Prokop, Praeger Publishers, forthcoming.

Henrickson, Kevin E. and Ryan Langrill. 2013. “Spatial Econometrics in Non-Spatial Settings.”  Forthcoming at Review of Applied Economics.

Henrickson, Kevin E. and Wesley W. Wilson. 2013. “Voting, Regulation, and the Railroad Industry: An Analysis of Private and Public Interest Voting Patterns.” Review of Industrial Organization, 43(1): 21-39.

Henrickson, Kevin E. and Erica Johnson. 2013. “The Demand for Spatially Complementary National Parks.” Land Economics, 89(2): 330-345.

Beck, John H. and Kevin E. Henrickson. 2013. “The Effect of the Top Two Primary on the Number of Primary Candidates.”  Social Science Quarterly, 94(3): 777-794.

Henrickson, Kevin E. 2012. “Spatial Competition and Strategic Firm Relocation.”  Economic Inquiry, 50(2):364-379.

Barone, Gerhard, Kevin E. Henrickson and Annie Voy. 2012. “Baggage Fees and Airline Stock Performance: A Case of Initial Investor Misperception.” Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, 51(1): 5 - 18.

Henrickson, Kevin E. and Chong-Uk Kim. 2012.“Empirical Estimates of the Long‑Run Labor  Market Adjustments to Immigration.” International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(16): 39 – 52.

Henrickson, Kevin E. and John Scott. 2012. “Baggage Fees and Changes in Airline Ticket Prices.” Advances in Airline Economics, Volume 3: Pricing Behavior and Non-Price Characteristics in the Airline Industry, edited by James Peoples, Emerald Publishing Group: 177-192.

Henrickson, Kevin E. 2011. “Spatial Competition and Grain Transportation Demand on the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers.” Applied Economics, 43(10): 1257-1270.

Henrickson, Kevin E., Ashish Thatte and Erica Johnson. 2009. “Factors Influencing the Intensity of Mass Customization and the Effects on Competitive Trade-Offs.”  International Journal of Business Strategy, 9(2): 58-68.

Henrickson, Kevin E. and Wesley W. Wilson. 2008. “Compensation, Unionization and Deregulation in the Motor Carrier Industry.” The Journal of Law and Economics, 51(1): 153-177.

Henrickson, Kevin E. and Ashish Thatte. 2008. “Outsourcing and Organizational Practices: Effects on Firm Competitiveness.” International Journal of Business Strategy, 8(3): 37-49.

Henrickson, Kevin E. and Wesley W. Wilson. 2007. “A Description of the Inland Waterway System and Planning Models.The Handbook of Transportation Policy and Administration, edited by Jeremy Plant, CRC Press: 53-78.

Henrickson, Kevin E. and Wesley W. Wilson. 2005. “A Model of Spatial Market Areas and Transportation Demand.” The Transportation Research Record, 1909: 31-38.


Western Economics Association Annual Meeting, 2014, Denver, CO
Western Economics Association Annual Meeting, 2013, Seattle, WA
Western Economics Association Annual Meeting, 2010, Portland, OR
Midwest Economics Association Annual Meeting, 2010, Chicago, IL
Western Economics Association Annual Meeting, 2008, Honolulu, HI
American Economics Association Annual Meeting, 2008, New Orleans, LA
Washington State University, Department of Economics, 2007
Midwest Economics Association Annual Meeting, 2007, Minneapolis, MN
University of Puget Sound, Department of Economics, 2006
University of Minnesota at Duluth, Department of Economics, 2006
Gonzaga University, Department of Economics, 2006
University of South Dakota, Department of Economics, 2006
University of North Dakota, Department of Economics, 2006
Xavier University, Department of Economics, 2005
Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2005, Washington D.C.

Grants and Awards:

2013        Jepson Fellowship, School of Business Administration, Gonzaga University
2012        Dean’s Forum Faculty Excellence Award, School of Business Administration, Gonzaga University
2012        Jepson, Fellowship, School of Business Administration, Gonzaga University
2011        Centioli Faculty Scholars Excellence Award, School of Business Administration, Gonzaga University
2010        Dean’s Forum Faculty Excellence Award, School of Business Administration, Gonzaga University
2010        Jepson Fellowship, School of Business Administration, Gonzaga University
2009        Loeken Academic Excellence Award, School of Business Administration, Gonzaga University
2009        Exemplary Faculty Award, Gonzaga University
2007        Centioli Faculty Scholars Excellence Award, School of Business Administration, Gonzaga University
2006        Stein Graduate Student Teaching Award, University of Oregon
2006        Outstanding GTF Teaching Award, Department of Economics, University of Oregon
2006        Graduate Fellow, The American Academy of Political and Social Science
2005        Outstanding GTF Teaching Award, Department of Economics, University of Oregon
2004        Field Paper of the Year, Department of Economics, University of Oregon
2003        Kleinsorge Research Fellowship, Department of Economics, University of Oregon
2000        Ben B. Cheney Foundation Scholar, Pacific Lutheran University
2000        Senior Award Winner, Department of Economics, Pacific Lutheran University