Erica Johnson
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Associate Professor of Economics
502 E. Boone, AD Box 9
Spokane, WA 99258
(509) 313-7026
Ph.D., Economics, University of Oregon, 2009
M.S., Economics, University of Oregon, 2005
B.A., Economics and Spanish, University of Montana, 1999
Research Interests:
Erica's primary research interests are in environmental and health economics.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications:
“What is the Actual Prevalence of Medical Bankruptcies?" with Donald D. Hackney and Daniel L. Friesner. Forthcoming in International Journal of Social Economics.
Henrickson, Kevin E. and Erica H. Johnson (2015) "Jesuit Values, Environmental Sustainability and Businesses Core Curriculum” Journal of Jesuit Business Education, 6(1): 101-116.
Henrickson, Kevin E. and Erica H. Johnson (2013) "The Demand for Spatially Complementary National Parks" Land Economics 89 (2): 330-345.
Cameron, T. A., J. R. DeShazo and E. H. Johnson. (2011) "Scenario adjustment in stated preference research" Journal of Choice Modelling, 4(1): 9-43.
Cameron, Trudy Ann, J.R. DeShazo and Erica Johnson. (2010) “The Effect of Children on Adult Demands for Health-Risk Reductions,” Journal of Health Economics 29: 364-376.
Henrickson, Kevin E., Ashish Thatte and Erica Johnson (2009) "Factors Influencing the Intensity of Mass Customization and the Effects on Competitive Trade-offs" International Journal of Business Strategy 9(2): 58-68.
Professional Activities:
Presented – ASHE Annual Meetings at Cornell University (Ithaca, NY), June 2010
Presented – AERE Sessions at the WEAI (Vancouver, BC) 2009
Presented - AERE Workshop on Health and Environment (Berkeley, CA) 2008
Presented - CU Environmental and Resource Workshop (Vail, CO) 2007
Presented - Heartland Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop (Ames, IA) 2007
Presented - AAEA Annual Meeting (Portland, OR) 2007
Co-presented - ASSA Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL) 2007
Reviewed journal articles for the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of International Economics and Public Opinion Quarterly
Member of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE)
Member of the American Society of Health Economists (ASHE)
Erica has taught the following courses at Gonzaga:
- Econ 201: Microeconomics
- Econ 202: Macroeconomics
- Econ 300: Econometrics
- Econ 304: Economics of Environmental Protection
- Econ 403: Advanced Microeconomic Theory
- Econ 489: Health Economics
- MBUS 610: Economic Environment of the Firm
- MBUS 610H: Healthcare Economics