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B. A. Princeton, 1961; M.A., Ph.D. Yale, 1963, 1966. Field research experiences: London (British entry into EU), Washington, D.C. (Congressional behavior), Japan (factional coalitions in LDP). Honors: Sterling Fellow (Yale), Fulbright Fellowship, Fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, ASUC-Berkeley Teacher, and BN Teacher of the Year(GU). Publications include The Study of Coalition Behavior, “Jiyuto to wa, Renritsu Seiken to Mitsuketari” in Chuo Koron (Tokyo), The End of Politics in America, Taking Parts – Leadership, Participation, Empowerment, and chapters and articles in American Political Science Review, Regimes and Opposition, The Constitutional Handbook, Gonzaga Law Review, and Conversations. Other interests include: study at the Nyingma Tibetan Buddhist Institute, an M.A. in Counseling Psychology, and programs at Vocation Quest, a center for test preparation and personal growth. Current teaching interests: American constitutional law and civil liberties, Law as a Vocation, American foreign policy, Survey of International Studies, Literature and Politics, Ethics and Politics, Class and Politics.