Professional Outreach and Training
As a director and staff at the Counseling Center, I provide outreach on issues affecting our student population. These topics include suicide prevention, test anxiety, coping strategies for international students, among others.
Based on my seminary training and multicultural experience, I also provide - on a limited basis - brief consultation to seminary formators and Catholic dioceses on seminary formation and issues affecting Catholic clergy.
Sample of outreach to Catholic institutions:
Ortiz, F.A. (2013, January 28). Admission of International Candidates. New
Rectors Seminar and Seminary Rectors Meeting. St. Louis, MO: Rigali Center
Ortiz, F. A. (2011, June 6) Hope and Healing. Preventing Sexual Abuse. Presentation to Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd. Albuquerque, NM.
Ortiz, F. A. (2011, June 1). Hope and Healing Preventing Sexual Abuse. Presentation to Missionaries of the Precious Blood (Cincinnati Province). Carthagena, OH.