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Education: I graduated as Distinguished Military Graduate (DMG) from New Mexico State University with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Operations Management, and a minor in Economics. I participated in ROTC, Business Leader’s Club, and held leadership positions in Sigma Pi fraternity. While in school I worked and served as a cadet in A Btry, 2d Bn, 200th ADA, New Mexico Army National Guard. While assigned to Olympia, WA, I earned a Master of Arts Degree in Organizational Leadership (MAOL) and a Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management from Chapman University. I plan to pursue the doctoral program in Leadership at Gonzaga University.
Military Education: I attended Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Dix, NJ in June 1983. Upon return to my Army Reserve unit I resumed my studies and received my commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Field Artillery in 1986. I later attended and graduated with Honors from the Field Artillery Officer Basic Course at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Intrigued by the challenge, I attended Airborne and Ranger School immediately following OBC.
Following an assignment at Fort Carson, I distinguished myself at the Field Artillery Officer Advanced Course in 1991 by earning the Master Warfighter award. To broaden my experience I pursued an assignment with rockets and missiles. I secured a slot in the Multiple Launch Rocket System Cadres course and was the course Honor Graduate. While in command, I attended the Combined Arms Staff Services School (CAS3). I graduated CGSC and graduated as Distinguished Honor Graduate from the Joint Firepower Control Course (JFCC), Nellis AFB, Nevada. Later, I attended the IFSAS version 11 and Paladin Commander’s Course at Fort Sill, OK.
Assignments: 3rd Bn, 29th Field Artillery, Fort Carson, Colorado (Fire Support Officer, Service Battery Executive Officer, and Howitzer Platoon Leader); 6th Bn, 37th Field Artillery, Uijongbu, Korea (Battalion Operations and Intelligence Officer for theater level rocket and missile battalion); I Corps, G3 Operations, Fort Lewis, Washington. (Corps Nuclear Weapons Employment Officer, member of the Corps Targeting Team, and performed duties as a G3 Action Officer); 1st Bn, 37th Field Artillery (S4 Logistics Officer, Firing Battery Commander); Detachment D, 81st Infantry Battalion (Training Support), Olympia, Washington (Firing Battery/Fire Support Trainer, Detachment Commander). 25th ID(L), (G3 Training and Operations Battle Major, Aviation Brigade FSO and member of the Division Fires and Effects Coordination Cell). 3d Bn, 7th FA, Schofield Barracks, HI (DS FA Bn S3 and Bn XO). Most recently as the Chief, Training Support Detachment for the 1st Bn, 148th FA, Direct Support to the 116th Cavalry Brigade. I assumed duties as the Professor of Military Science, Gonzaga University, on 30 December 2004.
Goals: To make the most of my opportunity to teach, coach and mentor leaders preparing for war, to prepare myself for an artillery command position, and to maintain a high standard of physical excellence.