Joseph Stover, PHD

Gonzaga University Logo

Math 423-01 (Spring 2021)

Math 423 - Stochastic Processes - Spring 2021

 *See the OneDrive shared folder for course notes, assignments, and other materials, but some things may eventually get posted here

Some online resources:

Random Services: Probability, Mathematical Statistics, Stochastic Processes:
This is a very extensive website with notes, examples, datasets about nearly every topic in probability theory and statistics that you will ever come across.

Introduction to probability, statistics, and stochastic processes:
This is a great online textbook with very nice examples. It is not a very thorough resource, but I find it to be very readable.

Often googling with search terms like "stochastic processes undergraduate course notes" you can find websites from various professors around the world who have posted their notes or textbooks online for free. Undergraduate courses in stochastic processes are more rare than graduate level courses though, so searching online will often bring up very advanced materials that can be difficult to sort through if you don't know what you are specifically looking for. If you found a reference that you like and would like me to review it, let me know.