Dr. Wilson
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Academic Information
1980 | Ph.D. Education-Evaluation, Measurement, Administration of Higher Education Michigan State |
1975 | M.A. Curriculum Development, Communications Michigan State |
1966 | B.S. Education Michigan State |
Research Interests
Leadership, empowerment, relational leadership, creating and maintaining active learning organizations, planning for change.
Professional Experience
1982-present Associate Professor, Gonzaga University
1998-1999 Associate Dean, School of Education, Gonzaga University
1990-1996 Department Chair, Doctoral Program, Gonzaga University
1982-present Committee chair for 90 dissertations, Gonzaga University
1979-1982 Director of Testing and Evaluation, Central Valley School District Spokane, WA
1978-1979 Evaluation Specialist, Ingham Intermediate School District, Ingham, MI
1976-1979 Evaluation Specialist, Instructional Development and Evaluation Assoc., MI
Representative Publications
Wilson, S.M., Mapetla, M., & Power-Drutis, T. (2008). Global initiatives and local leadership: The role of leadership in eradicating poverty in Lesotho Africa. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 10 (2) 51-84.
Wilson, S.M., & Ferch, S. (2005). Relational practices in the workplace that enhance individual and organizational resilience to change. Organizational Development Journal, 23, 45-60.
Wilson, S.M., & Ferch, S. (2004). The practice of caring relationships in transforming organizational life. Journal of Leadership and Business 6 (1) 70-85.
Wilson, S.M., Iverson, D, & Chrastil, J (April, 2001). School reform that integrates public education and democratic principles. Equity and
Excellence in Education (34), pp.64-70.
Recent Evaluations/Consultations
- Our Lady of the Lakes University: Review of the Doctoral Program in Leadership Studies (January 2010).
- Art Center College of Design in Pasadena CA: Evaluation of Saturday High and Art Center at Night programs for at risk youth and young adults (funded by James Irvine and Surdna grants) (2005-2009).
- Washington State Office of Public Instruction: Research design for teacher professional development programs in the state of Washington (September 2007)
- Washington State Office of Public Instruction: Research design for community partnership programs in the state of Washington (August 2007)
- Spirituality in the Workplace, a retreat held at St Joseph’s Family Center (August 2007).
- Authentic Leadership and Relational Wholeness, a workshop presented to local business leaders through Gonzaga’s Continuing Education Program and St Joseph’s Family Center (February-March, 2007).
- Arkansas State Department of Education: A review of a Leadership Studies Program for the University of Arkansas (January 2007).
- The Spokane Alliance Community Organizing Project for Schools in Eastern Washington (2002).
- Forming Teacher/Parent Partnerships (funded in part by the Mott Foundation). (2000-2001).
- Creating Democratic Schools (funded in part by the Mott Foundation) (1998-2000).
Recent Community Service
Board of Directors: the Spokane Diocese Catholic Charities (2001-2008 , Chair of the board 2003-2008).
Board member and member of the Personnel and Finance Committee: the Second Harvest Food Bank (2000-2004).
Spokane Board for the Women's Opportunity Fund program (An international association that establishes trust funds for women to start their own business -- a way for women to help themselves, in community with other women, to make life better for themselves and their children) (1999-2001).