Teaching Philosophy & Courses Taught
I believe that the primary goal of mathematics instruction is to nurture the growth and development of students' mathematical reasoning. In the process of achieving a level of computational proficiency that may be necessary for the mastery of a given topic, it is essential for students to progress from a procedural to a conceptual way of thinking. I hope to help students move beyond problem solving by way of mimicking examples, to one where an appreciation is gained for the creative aspects inherent in mathematical pursuits and to possibly see the beauty of the logical structure that underlies the subject. Foremost among my goals is to help students become independent learners.
Courses Taught at Gonzaga
CPSC 455 Chaos and Dynamical Systems
ENSC 371 Advanced Engineering Mathematics
MATH 148 Survey of Calculus
MATH 157 Calculus I
Courses Taught at Gonzaga
CPSC 455 Chaos and Dynamical Systems
ENSC 371 Advanced Engineering Mathematics
MATH 148 Survey of Calculus
MATH 157 Calculus I
MATH 258 Calculus II
MATH 260 Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 413 Real Analysis I
MATH 414 Real Analysis II
MATH 452 Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations and Chaos
MATH 453 Research Methods in Biomathematics
MATH 454 Partial Differential Equations
MATH 260 Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 413 Real Analysis I
MATH 414 Real Analysis II
MATH 452 Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations and Chaos
MATH 453 Research Methods in Biomathematics
MATH 454 Partial Differential Equations