
Leadership Questions

Some questions to ponder
as you examine your leadership principles and practices:

1. When you delegate, do you do so primarily to get things off of your desk and taken care of by someone else, or do you see delegation as a way to help colleagues grow and develop their own talents and capacities?

2. As a leader, how do you stay engaged with the day-to-day functions and activities of your staff and frontline personnel?

3. Is it a part of your job to help people move out of their comfort zones? If it is, how do you do that? If it is not, how do your staff and frontline personnel grow?

4. Think of a huge mistake you made. What did you learn from it?

5. When, in an organizational context, does "NO" mean "NO" and when does it mean "MAYBE"?

6. When is it too late to fight for something you believe in?

7. What do people tend to misperceive or not understand about you?