
Student Evaluations Of My Teaching

Here are some student evaluations from an array of courses I have recently presented.

EDAE 561 Instructional Strategies for Adults -  CRN 10080

 1. If you were asked by one of your friends to describe this professor's teaching, what would you say?

I enjoyed going to his class and enjoyed the class discussions.  I can honestly say he is one of the best instructors I've ever had!  Dan encourages discussion from every student and has a calming but interesting way of discussion.  Dan has an organized class but doesn't have to follow strict guidelines.  He treats his students as adults. Very good preparation for our research class.

Good knowledge base on a number of topics, not just what is taught.  Good job on feedback on papers and a nice job with explanation of abstract and/or new material.

Excellent.  I thoroughly enjoyed our class time.  Dan was very enthusiastic about anesthesia and parlayed it well with adult learning.  The text was complementary. He established a very calm environment and taught us in an unthreatening manner.

I really enjoyed your class.  I appreciated the multiple layers of concepts that we applied to each assignment.  The in-class NOIR exercise of organizing concepts is an example of your multilayered approach.  We learned the NOIR concept, we learned an approach to teaching which helped me think outside the box.  I wish we had more time together!  Thanks, Dan!

Low key, logical, instructive, adult centered.

Very organized and well presented.  Knowledgeable about topics covered and willing to engage in meaningful discussions.

Low key, not stressful, relevant to course topics, very calm, involved each student in discussions, good sense of humor.

Very knowledgeable, relaxed, and easy to approach.  Open-minded, willing to venture from course material.  Includes students in the course.  Values student input.

2. I f you were asked to give this professor a one-sentence suggestion about how to improve his teaching, what would you suggest?

If I could suggest adding another class session, there would be more time.

Don't change a thing.

I really enjoyed the class discussions and assignments. I am a better nurse-educator thanks to this course!

Keep up the good work.

Perhaps remove one of the presentations or paper assignments to allow more time to be spent on different teaching styles and strategies.

Fewer papers/presentations to allow for more time to discuss book and instructional strategies.

3. Other comments?

Thank you for the class.  I enjoyed it.

Enjoyed your class.  You are open minded and a good active listener.

I wish Dan taught more classes within the anesthesia program.

We are expected to be leaders and skilled at presenting information. This class will help me do that.

EDAC 540 Ethical Dimensions in Education - CRN 21802

1. If you were asked by one of your friends to describe this professor's teaching, what would you say?

Precise, thorough, informed, professional, confident, patient, and engaging.

Very organized, well thought out, informative, lets students discuss, great listener, quiet, unassuming, insightful.

Much opportunity to explore different approaches to ethical decision-making and what impacts our ability to enter into good ethical decision-making.  Great background on the ethical theorists.  Very engaging.

Dan is a friendly, approachable prof. who allows his students to freely engage in discussion. I liked that he didn't need to interject and comment on every issue.  Calming personality.

Wow!  I found Dan's teaching to be encouraging, supportive, and challenging.  He manages to provide an open environment for discussion and he is able to encourage participation through his calm and focused approach to the topics.

Comes across as a very ethical, knowledgeable, deep-thinking prof.  Assignments very practical in terms of self-assessment.

Excellent, inspirational, well organized, thoughtful, and thought provoking.

Clear, precise, and engaging.  Great teacher.

Practical.  Explained philosophies and related them to our work/life.

An instructor whose neutrality, yet passion, about the material opens a learning environment wherein a student can become immersed in the material.

The professor's teaching is very well organized and relevant.

Dan's approach to the teaching of this course was powerful.  He provided us with information as to different philosophies and asked thought-provoking questions which made us reach, search, and reflect into how to make ethical decisions.  Dan did not let his opinions bias us as to our own.

He is clearly very well read and is able to articulate complicated ideas clearly.  We had opportunities to discuss and do things.  This was very useful.

2. I f you were asked to give this professor a one-sentence suggestion about how to improve his teaching, what would you suggest?

Dan allowed us to reveal passions and sensitive spots.

Make some things/certain concepts more dynamic.  Step outside the box.

You are a master teacher.  Continue to share and learn with your students.

Can't think of anything - he is very good.

Easier books and handout for class reading!

More practical application of the big theorists like we did Gandhi and Rand.

Dan is a powerful, effective instructor.

3. Other comments?

I struggled to come up with a sincere suggestion.  I thought the course was delivered in an excellent manner. This class needs to meet more times; 4 times is not sufficient to discuss and analyze ethics in education.   This is a huge and powerful topic.  More class time is needed.

I really enjoyed the class.  It allowed me to think about a lot of things and apply new knowledge and strategies to deal more effectively with my own situation.  Thank you for the enlightenment!

Thanks, Dan. Excellent books and detail.

Thank you.

I really enjoyed this course and learned a great deal.

Our group did this course over 1 semester.  The content of this course was very "deep."   It would be better done over two semesters.

Excellent course content and as we delved into ethics it became more interesting.

The most challenging yet fulfilling course thus far.  Thank you!

Lots of information to absorb in a short amount of time.  Very provocative and useful overall.

I didn’t enjoy ethics as an undergrad. I’m glad to say that I enjoy it now.

Enjoyed the course.

EDAC 565 Educational Evaluation and Measurement - CRN 21807

1. If you were asked by one of your friends to describe this professor's teaching, what would you say?

Dan is a great instructor.  He shows warmth and genuineness.  He allows us to step outside the box and leap forward if we want (encourages us to take the risk of challenging an area we don't agree with).

Very flexible and open to change in order to accommodate student/class needs and interests.  Very fair.  Very gentle nature/human.  Interesting and thought provoking.

Very calm and relaxed and incredibly knowledgeable in this area.  Definitely wants to make the learning relevant to everyone!

Passionate with a good variety of activities.  Good job of modeling effective assessment concepts through his assessment plan for the course.

Very professional, friendly, and easy to approach.  Very knowledgeable.

Very purposeful, relevant, open, modeling.

Structured, calm, relevant to practice, demonstrated strategies, open minded.

Relevant to your experience.  Flexible.  Knowledgeable.

Oriented toward large group discussion of key issues in education.

Wonderful.  I enjoyed the experience.  Time fly.

Relevant.  Thought provoking.  Student-centered.

Field trips, videos, small and large group discussions, follows the text closely.


Smooth, calculated, and effective.

Open-minded, thorough; fair; knowledgeable; good discussion leader.  Provides relevant learning opportunities.

Very encouraging, kind and professional.  Extremely flexible - wanted to make our learning meaningful and relevant.

Friendly, good sense of humour, respectful of students.  Well organized.  Allows student input and participation.

Daniel Mahoney is a fair and kind individual.  His course was/is relevant to all teaching areas.

Best course so far.  High expectations.  Clear assignments and directions.   You will work hard and you will enjoy it.

Calm, rational, methodical, respectful, reflective, philosophical.

Group oriented, student centered.

Innovative, thought provoking.  I didn't always immediately see where we were going, but was always pleased to see how it all tied together in the end.  I am often a bit "bored" or not challenged and this course was open ended enough to keep me engaged.

Dan teaches in a precise, warm, thoughtful manner.  It is very obvious that he thoroughly understands the subject area and the underlying issues that impact the field of educational assessment.   His unwillingness to settle for "things the way they are" makes him a great role model for students who wish to effect positive change.

Professor Mahoney has a very reflective, respectful and ethical manner of presenting a course that initially I was apprehensive in being part of for the Master's program. 

2. If you were asked to give this professor a one-sentence suggestion about how to improve his teaching, what would you suggest?

None needed.

Continue with one-minute presentations.  They are an excellent way to recap learning.


Allow for smaller groups to discuss issues.

Teach more courses in this program.

I can't think of anything.

Thanks for always starting on time!

Keep doing what you are doing.

Consider whether others’ beliefs and statements about the misguided nature of standardized tests are too polarizing.

Dan has a good sense of humor!

Look for ways to extend your influence to a larger audience.

I appreciated the way in which he presented the course.

3. Other comments?

Thanks for enhancing this course by including assessment for at-risk kids.  Many come to classroom teachers with an abundance of formalized testing and the classroom teacher is unable to decipher exactly what they mean.

I am amazed at how much I learned in this course and know that I will be (and am) applying what I learned into my teaching everyday.

A great and helpful class.

Really appreciated your openness to discussions about topics relevant to our lives.

Thank you for providing us with options for our assignments.

Thanks for the flexibility and options!  Great class discussions. Loved presentations.

I enjoyed using what I learned in this class.  I loved being challenged by questions that questioned what I was thinking or what I was saying.

Initially, I found the open-ended nature difficult.  However, it wound up enabling me to do much more than I would have if more specific criteria had been provided.

Great assessment project.  Very useful.


I appreciated the high academic standards.

Thank you for a respectful delivery and a rational scholarly approach.

I got a lot out of this course and some very valuable ideas to try and implement.


EDAC 565 Educational Evaluation and Measurement - CRN 21815

1. If you were asked by one of your friends to describe this professor's teaching, what would you say?

He is very thoughtful and insightful with his comments.  He obviously cares deeply about what he does and the students he works with.  He is an excellent educator.

Dan discusses and brings up ideas and through class discussion lets you come up with your own answers.  We have had several thought provoking discussions.