Nominated by Spokane Public School principal and teachers for Washington State LASER (Leadership and Assistance for Science Education Reform) Science Education Advocate Award, 2012 and 2013.
Paper with undergraduate Mary Fontana chosen as cover article for General and Comparative Endocrinology, March 2007.
University Award for Faculty Excellence, April 2006.
Research student Anthony Carter won Best Biology Poster Award at the 11th Annual Northwest Undergraduate Natural Sciences Research Conference, Pacific University, Forest Grove, OR. 1998.
Nominated for Scholar of the Year Award, Gonzaga University, Spring 1998.
Paper with undergraduate Madeline DeBeer chosen as cover article for General and Comparative Endocrinology. "The role of androgens in female vertebrates: A review" vol. 108:1-24. Oct. 1997.
Nominated and awarded, Faculty for the 21st Century, Project Kaleidoscope, 1997.
Nominated for Teacher of the Year Award, Gonzaga University, Spring 1996.
D. Dwight Davis Award for best student paper, Division of Vertebrate Morphology, Amercian Society of Zoologists 1985 annual meeting.
Phi Beta Kappa, elected June 1980, Earlham College.