Climate Change Ethics & the Non-Human World

This book examines from different perspectives the moral significance of non-human members of the biotic community and their omission from climate ethics literature.
The complexity of life in an age of rapid climate change demands the development of moral frameworks that recognize and respect the dignity and agency of both human and non-human organisms. Despite decades of careful work in non-anthropocentric approaches to environmental ethics, recent anthologies on climate ethics have largely omitted non-anthropocentric approaches. This multidisciplinary volume of international scholars tackles this lacuna by presenting novel work on non-anthropocentric approaches to climate ethics. Written in an accessible style, the text incorporates sentiocentric, biocentric, and ecocentric perspectives on climate change.
With diverse perspectives from both leading and emerging scholars of environmental ethics, geography, religious studies, conservation ecology, and environmental studies, this book will offer a valuable reading for students and scholars of these fields.
Table of Contents
Eileen Crist
Brian Henning and Zack Walsh
Climate Change and the Loss of Nonhuman Welfare
John Nolt (Philosophy)
Anthropocentrism and the Anthropocene: Restoration and Geoengineering as Negative Paradigms of Epistemological Domination
Eric Katz (Philosophy)
Climate Ethics Bridging Animal Ethics to Overcome Climate Inaction: An Approach from Strategic Visual Communication
Laura Fernández Aguilera (Communication Studies)
Suffering, Sentientism and Sustainability: An Analysis of a Non-Anthropocentric Moral Framework for Climate Ethics
Rebekah Humphreys (Philosophy)
Biocentrism, Climate Change, and the Spatial and Temporal Scope of Ethics
Robin Attfield (Philosophy)
Evaluating Climate Change with the Language of the Forms of Life
Claudio Campagna (Conservation Ecology) and Daniel Guevara (Philosophy)
Thinking Through the Anthropocene: Educating for a Planetary Community
Whitney Bauman (Religious Studies)
Conflicting Advice: Resolving Conflicting Moral Recommendations in Climate and Environmental Ethics
Patrik Baard (Philosophy)
An Eco-centric Proposal for Setting a Price on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Karen Green (Philosophy)
Being Human: An Ecocentric Approach to Climate Ethics
Amanda Nichols (Religious Studies)
Atmospheres of Object-Oriented Ontology
Sam Mickey (Environmental Studies)
Monsters, Metamorphoses, and The Horror of Ethics in the ‘Pelagioscene’
Jeremy Gordon (Communication Studies)
Gut Check: Imagining a Posthuman ‘Climate’
Connie Johnston (Geography)
Wonderland Earth in the Anthropocene Epoch
Holmes Rolston III (Philosophy)